Brioche Light

What could be nicer in the morning than the scent of hot brioches? When you come down early to go to the office and you pass near the bars you just need the smell to recharge… how about reproducing these scents at home? Think, you are in bed, you raise 5 ' to prepare everything and go back to rest another quarter of an hour and the house will be pervaded by the scents that emanates the oven. Isn't it a really nice way to start the day? The whole family will wake up and follow the smell up in the kitchen and you'll surely leave them all open-mouthed!!!! Let's see how to prepare some light and fluffy brioches that will disappear in no time from the plate!


270 grams of Manitoba flour
1 egg
60 grams of butter
90 ml of milk
75 grams of sugar
4 grams of baking powder
A pinch of salt


Small information before you start, the dough will have to be prepared in the evening and cooked in the morning so keep your watering all night! Now we can start. Melt the butter and let it cool. Meanwhile, in a large enough bowl, amalgamiamo the milk and the egg. As soon as the butter is returned to room temperature, add it to the other liquids and stir. Dirty the hands and start to incorporate the flour little at a time in order to avoid the forming of lumps. As soon as we have amalgamated the whole, we combine the yeast, the sugar and the pinch of salt. We work well the dough until it will be nice smooth and elastic. We cover the boule and let the mixture rise for a couple of hours. After this first leavening, the dough should already be doubled in volume. We move our dough on a floured floor and begin the realization of our brioches. Let us be guided by imagination and give different shapes to our brioches.

Let's see some examples:

  • With drops of chocolate (we knead it inside our ball)
  • With sesame seeds on the surface
  • Simple
  • Shaped like a croissant (just lay the dough with the help of a rolling pin, cut it in triangular shape, fill it to taste and roll it on itself starting from the widest part by slightly folding the tips inward to give the classic shape to Croissant) to try with the filling with honey…
  • Round
  • Braid
  • A Sandwich
I recommend, let's make them small, about 4-5 cm long or diameter because, during the night, they will triple their volume! As soon as we have finished unleashing our imagination, we lay the brioches on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and well spaced between them, spennelliamole with a mixture of water and milk in equal parts (one tablespoon of each will be more than enough), We put on the last decorations (chocolate drops, hazelnut granules, almond flakes, etc.) and put them to rise inside the oven closed all night.
In the morning, no need to pull them out, light the oven at 180 ° for 10-15 ' and bake as soon as they are well colored.

Tips for mise en place:

We could serve them all together in a basket or individually in a saucer, but it's going to end in a moment!

P.S.: If you like it, you can add to the dough an aroma (vanilla berries, orange zest, lemon zest, etc.) to give a more special taste to your brioches.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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