Poached eggs

A method of cooking eggs that requires some little foresight but the result is very pleasant both in appearance and taste. Very few steps to bring to the table a creamy and tasty egg accompanied by the crispness of the crostoni of bread. Let’s see step by step steps. ____…

Cuttlefish stuffed with bulgur and vegetables

As I often do, I set myself on ingredients, in this case the ‘ paired bulgur and sepia. I wanted to combine these two ingredients to create a particular dish. So, just at a time, I started to process the recipe and buy the ingredients. Yesterday I took the last…

Sous salmon steak saw with cream of peas, pommes parisiennes and cherry tomatoes-today kitchen… Emanuele

Today Emanuele presents a refined recipe that uses a method of cooking “unconventional”. The results that you get with this technique are exceptional and the foods keep all their properties and a truly unique taste! But let him be Presentarcelo himself: _____-____ Premiss ___ ___ _ ___ _ _ _…

Spaghetti Shrimp and cod eggs-cooking today… Samanta

Now my wife Samanta is launching fully in the world of Casacostantino’s blog. After opening a column of his own title: The Councils of Samanta, is becoming an activist also of the culinary. Today presents us his second and certainly not the last recipe. A very tasty dish and to…

Parmesan Light

Today we cimenteremo with another classic of Sicilian cuisine, a beautiful eggplant parmesan. Obviously I could not fail from varying some little thing and so, I prepared a light version of this dish. Instead of frying the eggplant I baked them to give a lighter footprint to a dish that,…

Paccheri sauce, ricotta and eggplant

A classic Sicilian cuisine is the pasta gravy, ricotta and fried eggplant. Normally served with all the ingredients amalgamated in full respect of the tradition of Trinacria, in some cases can also be presented as a plate of pasta with gravy with a generous spoonful of ricotta and completed with…