Almond Chicken

We continue to travel around the world discovering typical dishes of distant countries. Today we stop in China to taste the famous almond chicken. Fragrant and tasty is a dish that takes little time and no special skill or dexterity. The ingredients simple and easy to find, are few but from the decided taste. Let's see, step by step, how to make this dish.

____ _____ Ingredients for 4 people _____-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____


1 Kg of chicken breast
40 grams of shelled almonds
1 onion
1 cm fresh ginger
3 tablespoons soy sauce
Flour to taste
Salt and oil E.V.O. Q. b


____ _____… ___ _____… __ _____…… _ _____…


Grate the ginger in a wok and add 2 tablespoons of e.v.o. oil, finely chop the onion and put this in the pan. Light the flame and fry over medium heat. In the meantime, we cut the chicken breast into cubes of about 1-2 cm.



Put the flour in a bowl then let into the chicken cubes. As soon as the sauté is ready, add our morsels, a pinch of salt, and let them brown for good, then let them cook for 15 '.



As the chicken cooks, we put a frying pan on the fire so let's put the almonds and let them toast for 1 ' taking care to remove them from the same to avoid that the latent heat of the pan can continue to toast the almonds burning then, Let's put it aside. 5 ' Before the end of cooking the chicken, add the soy sauce, stir and let the nibbles, the classic amber color.



Add 4 ladles of hot water and stir with the help of a wooden spoon until you create a creamy as a cooking base. If the cream is too thick or if the chicken starts to stick to the wok, add some more water.  We can switch off and add the previously toasted almonds, amalgamiamo and prepare for the impiattamento.


_____ Tips for the mise-_____-___-___-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____


In this case, we can simply put the chicken in the center of the dish and serve it on the table but, if you want to organize a theme dinner, we can set the table by replacing the western cutlery, with a more oriental pair of chopsticks. I would advise you, however, that if you do not have a minimum of practice, it will be a bit of a feat to eat…

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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