Potato dumplings with asiago fondue and mushroom spicy mushrooms

Now my wife gets ideas and I have to realize… the last was to prepare dumplings with cheese fondue and mushrooms. Ok, I obey! I thought about this combination that is still delicate on the palate and with a fondue in light version, without butter and eggs, to avoid having a dish too full and heavy to taste. But let's see how to proceed.

Ingredients for 4 people:

500 grams of potato dumplings
100 grams of Asiago
50 grams of Asiago for decoration
200 ml of milk
Nutmeg and parsley to taste
1 clove of garlic red
Chives for decoration
300 grams of mushroom nails
1 teaspoon of paprika
Salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil to taste

We heat the milk in a pan with low heat and in the meantime cut into small cubes Asiago. As soon as the milk has become lukewarm, add the cubes of cheese and a grated nutmeg, lightly raise the flame and stir to make the cheese melt well. There is no precise time, it will be ready as soon as all the cheese will be melted. If it should remain a little, do not worry, we will use only the fondue by taking it with a ladle. As soon as the fondue is ready, we turn off the flame and put it aside. If it should be a little more liquid than expected, not worry, the starch of the dumplings will help us at the time of freezing. Dedicate now to the mushrooms, puliamoli and cut coarsely in chunks. Put in a pan a tablespoon of oil and the clove of garlic crushed and let it brown. Then add the mushrooms, saliamoli and add the paprika and chopped parsley. Let's skip it a couple of minutes, then turn off and prepare the dumplings. In abundant salted water we cook the dumplings as soon as it boils. We wait for them to float to drain and put them in a pan together with the mushrooms that we will put back on fire with a lively flame. With a ladle we add the fondue, we blow up and cream everything and prepare to serve.
Tips for mise en place:

We put two tablespoons of dumplings in the center of our dish, we do the same with the flakes of Asiago obtained with a peeler and complete the dish with a minced pepper and two strands of chives.

We serve well warm and good appetite!!!!!

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