Skewers and shrimps

My wife Samanta is not a big fan of fish unless you talk about shellfish and shellfish… the only fish that really have the shape that can eat with taste, are the cod and the spatula. I have the "obligation" to eat also other fish rich in taste but, every now and then, I have to satisfy her and make her eat what she likes. And then here I opted for the spatula. This time it is touched by this fish to which I tried to give a pinch of extra flavor both with the stuffing and with the sauce that you can decide to put on top and of which you will find the ingredients in the section dedicated to Mise en place. Let's see step by step how to proceed.

____ _____ Ingredients for 4 people _____-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____


12 Fillets of Spatula
12 Prawns
4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
1 shallot
Fresh parsley
1 teaspoon of capers in salt
2 lemons
2 teaspoons of raisins
1 teaspoon of pine nuts
1 tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon of grated roman pecorino cheese
1 Genoese zucchini
1 tablespoon of natural pistachios
1 teaspoon of poppy seed
Salt, pepper and E.V.O. oil Taste

____ _____… ___ _____… __ _____…… _ _____…



First, let's get some spatula fillets ready. In a bowl we put the breadcrumbs, the shallot coarsely chopped and the parsley that we will have previously chopped.



Rinse the capers abundantly under running water and then aggiungiamoli the other ingredients together with the lemon zest, raisins, pine nuts and cheeses.



Irroriamo with the oil and stir with a spoon until we have a "sandy" compound. At this point we can prepare to stuff the fillets. Posizioniamoli on a chopping board with the skin facing upwards.


's over a few tablespoons of stuffing then arrotoliamoli on themselves and let's put them aside. Dedicate, now, to the prawns. Priviamoli of the carapace but we leave the heads, add salt and pepper.


We grind the pistachios and aggiungiamoli the prawns together with the poppy seeds, then mix so that they are breaded and flavored on all sides. Cut the zucchini and slice the lemon and prepare to assemble our skewers.
Infilziamo a zucchini washer then a spatula wrap, a slice of lemon, a prawn, a slice of zucchini, another roll of spatula, a slice of lemon, another prawn and close with a last washer of zucchini. Lay the skewers so composed on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and lay the advanced stuffing on the only rolls of spatula. We complete with a drizzle of oil.


We supply, in preheated oven at 195 °, for 30 ' taking care to cover the baking tin with foil to prevent the prawns from drying out. After cooking time, bake and prepare for serve.

_____ Tips for the mise-_____-___-___-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____

At the base of the dish, we put some chopped lettuce and radicchio, let's go over two skewers then sprinkle with chopped parsley at the time and a sauce obtained by emulsifying lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper, two teaspoons of pistachio pesto and Chopped parsley to lay on top of the spatula rolls.

Enjoy your meal!!!!!

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